iPad Review

Friday, April 30, 2010 4:26 AM Posted by Group 2

So I was thinking of whether to get an iPad or not. It seems to be one of the coolest gadgets atm.

Here's what i thought after playing around with it in the apple store:

The Hardware

The Good

  • It's a beautiful thing to hold in your hands. After spending the better part of a week with it, my iPhone 3G feels almost toy-like.
  • The dedicated orientation lock switch on the side is a welcome addition, making the iPad usable while lying down.
  • Surprisingly readable in sunlight, but that's not to say it's an ideal device to take to the beach.
  • Battery life is the real surprise here - it wipes the floor with any other portable device I've used. We're talking heavy, all day use for anything other than 3D gaming.
  • It's incredibly responsive, though HTML rendering is its Achilles' heel.
  • Absolutely no fan noise or heat.
  • Bluetooth keyboard support.

The Bad

  • It's just too heavy to use without holding it with two hands or propping it up on something.
  • It's too fragile to throw around like a magazine. You'll want to show it off, but will have trouble turning your back on a clumsy or inebriated friend using it.
  • The iPad's pixel density of 132 pixels per inch (ppi) is noticeably less than the iPhone's 163ppi.
  • At night, the eyestrain factor is there, regardless of brightness.
  • The lack of a USB port is just inexcusable when even Microsoft has just released an update for the Xbox 360 that allows it to store data on commodity USB drives (and you can bet they were making a killing on those proprietary hard drives).
  • The built-in speaker is horrible - a real shame.

The iPad ranges from around $500-$900ish, should while this may be a bit pricey. Might as well just get a reasonable laptop.

1 Response to "iPad Review"

  1. Ross W. Says:

    Pfft, heap of shit, wait for the courier. http://www.encule.co.cc/

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